Saturday, May 12, 2012


i realize that i'm pretty late to the game with these pics, but i thought i'd share anyways. this was easter sunday, we took a weekend trip down to my grandma's house to see the family. it was really fun, but i can't wait till we visit in california again. i can't believe it, but it's been over 6 months since i've been there. i have to say that i never thought that would happen. but don't anyone worry, i'll get down there soon enough, i hope:)
our easter "baskets"...there might have been some improvisation

the whole fam damily!

funny faces?

aw how sweet;)

P.S. for anyone wondering Z's hair is long gone, he need a more "professional" look for the summer

P.P.S I saw this the other day and though it was pretty sweet. I think we should make some words for these!


  1. So wait! You guys moved out of wymount?! What are your summer plans? Your family is cute, your brothers look just like you.

  2. Thanks!! Yes, we are in Colorado for the summer while Zack does sales. We are moving back around mid/end of August:) We will have to go on a double!!
